Friday 27 November 2009

Rows Of Polar Bears, All Bearing Down On Me.

I'm not a preacher, but I will poke and nudge my opinions across to others. However, getting people to listen is a very difficult thing, as I explored in my Copywriting module last year on meat trading standards in the UK. With vegetarianism being particularly close to my heart, so is global warming. I find people switch off whenever you really talk about global warming. Words don't work. Facts don't work. Figures, pie charts, preaching over and over, none of it.

Mother, London, has recently launched a campaign, raising awareness of your carbon footprint. The words they use are few, but striking ones. The images they use are brutal, but one hundred percent necessary. When I saw the ad, by the end my eyes had completely welled up (probably due to being a soft sod), but it really caught an emotion. It's a very clever ad. If you've got a few spare seconds, please watch it and have a little think to yourself.

I don't believe in pushing people to believe the same things I do. But when it comes to this, it's not so much a matter of believing rather than opening your eyes and taking the information in.

On top of that, if you fancy a quirky little website to look at, take a look at The Wave.
"On Saturday 5 December 2009, ahead of the crucial UN climate summit in Copenhagen, tens of thousands of people from all walks of life will march through the streets of London to demonstrate their support for a safe climate future for all."
Help be a part of the solution - power by numbers always works. Even if you just take 5mins to look at the site (though you could quite possibly spend more seeings as I've sat here and watch the people wave for quite some time!)
Here's a link to the site The Wave - Stop Climate Chaos. Click the front page for more info.

Monday 9 November 2009

Home, is where I want to be, pick me up and turn me round.

I love adverts that really inspire me and that's how I feel - like most others - when I see Guinness adverts. The 1999 'Surfer' advert was understandably named 'best advert' by The Sunday Times and Channel 4.

"Take me out, tonight, where there's music and there's people and they're young and alive."

Recently they have decided they want to change their strap line from "Good Things Come To Those Who Wait" to "Bring It To Life". I can understand the change they're making, seeings as the recession has stopped people from drinking out more and living more of a quiet life, watching TV and bringing their drink home. I see why Guinness would take the move to inspire people to get out there and live a little, even if it does cost a little more to have your drink via draught rather than can.

I love the move, it's fresh and moving on from the old strap line before it quickly moved from classic to stale. The advert and visuals alone are stunning and inspiring, I can't believe how inspiring an advert for such a rank stout can be!

Tuesday 3 November 2009

But I can't help the feeling. I could blow through the ceiling.

Welcome to my blog!

I'm Sophie and as part of my self branding module I will be documenting my transition from student to (hopeful) copywriter and posting any current affairs that I take an interest in.

The end is nigh, But America isn't fussed.

I think it's terrifying that the most influential country on the planet has such a naive attitude. A recent Pew Research Centre survey suggests that the proportion of Americans who believe there is solid evidence that the world has been warming over the last few decades has fallen from 71% to 57% in just 18 months (see article:
I know this is everywhere and the 'guilt trip' style ad's are becoming more and more frequent, but it is actually a huge deal that people are becoming less bothered about the possibility of wiping out humanity.

Are we really narrowly missing the chance to save the planet?

So, I've been recently hearing a lot of excitement around The Age of Stupid, a drama documentary starring Pete Postlethwaite as a man living alone in the devastated world of 2055, looking back and asking "why didn't we do something whilst we had the chance".
So, here's the link to the film website:, it's definitely worth a look into for sure. I'll be keeping my eye on this one.

I'm currently working on a re-brand of Leek town and whilst I'm working on it would appreciate any feedback on visuals I post and the general ideas. I'll be posting some up within the next few days.